Leptotarsus general notes

Tipulidae  : Tipulinae  : Tipulini

There are 60+ known species of Leptotarsus, of which several are still known only by their original specimen(s). Most were collected in the 1920-30's and described soon after. Others have been found recently and are undescribed. Leptotarsus, is best split and its various subgenera regarded as genera. This is convenient and appropriate for at least three subgenera, Maoritipula, Chlorotipula and Aurotipula, this leaves Brevicera, Macromastix and Leptotarsus (in its strict sense) and also tentatively, the Australian Habromastix. But the few Brevicera species are placed at present in Longurio but could well find a place within Habromastix.
At present the largest number are placed in L. (Macromastix). There are several distinctive groups :-
lunatus group

Those species in which the females have long ovipositors (Chlorotipula spp) and Breviceraspp, must lay eggs in specific sites, probably rotting wood, or in soil and litter. It is unfortunate that this is yet to be confirmed by finding and rearing the larvae. A few of those with very short ovipositors are known lay their eggs by broadcasting randomly while flying or running over the ground

Text updated: 6/08/2018